

This is a picture I took at the BC Ferries terminal. The sign says:

SUPER C x 2 = Awesome^2


Frankly, I have no idea what this advertisement is for, nor does it make much sense to me. I can only imagine them trying to infer that something is awesome. So let’s do some math here:

SUPER C x 2 = Awesome^2

Awesome = sqrt(2 (SUPER C)

hmmm… That didn’t make things any easier.

Super C = (Awesome ^2)/2

Okay well… that doesn’t make too much sense either. What the heck is Super C anyway? That sounds like a vitamin.

I can only say that the sign will make more sense if we assume Awesome=2. In which case:

SUPER C x2 = 2^2




I think that’s what they were trying to say in the first place. Whatever SUPER C is, I think the whole idea is that it is awesome.

This abomination of an equation could only be the result of marketing Artsies trying to do math.

edit: Just Googled. Super C’s are the new fleet of ships BC Ferries has acquired in 2008, named: Coastal Renaissance, Coastal Inspiration and Coastal Celebration. Since there are 3 ships and the sign only says SUPER C x 2, I can only guess that the 3rd ship services out of Horseshoe Bay and not Tsawwassen.

So yes, all they were trying to say is that the SUPER C’s are awesome. Perhaps that both of the SUPER C’s together are Awesome squared. So each of the two which operates on the Tswwassen route account for only 1/2 of the awesome squaredness.


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